Voice Assistants User Profiling Voice                   July 2022 - Present

Under Prof David Choffnes

Rearch Conducted in Mon(ITO)r Research Lab

Northeastern University, Boston

  • Investigated the impact of voice assistant interactions on user profiling activities, the associated risks, and if there is disclosure of the same on privacy policy of leading technologies- Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple Siri.
  • Designed test environments using Selenium and Python to probe the voice assistants for evidence of customization.
  • Created control experiments to detect profiling and evidence of targeted advertising beyond third-party perspective.

CS+Ethics Reseach                            June 2022 - Present

Under Prof Laney Strange, Prof Vance Ricks, Prof Meica Danielle Magnani

Northeastern University, Boston

  • Examined how systemic-structural stereotypes from history have influenced the design of technology in the present.
  • Investigated how bias permeates through algorithmic designs at different stages of developing predictive models for machine learning and examined existing models for improvements to prevent marginalization through skewed data.

Measures of Human development: A Narrative

Manipal College of Dental Sciences, MAHE, India
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  • Authored a paper wherein discussed human development as a direct function of human capability understood through different facets of the Human Development Index (HDI) of the World Health Organization.
  • Published in International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health in February 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2, e-ISSN: 2394-6040, p-ISSN: 2394-6032.

Hardware Removal in Maxillofacial Trauma: A Retrospective Study

Manipal College of Dental Sciences, MAHE, India
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  • Assessed the causes of plate removal in patients with maxilla-facial trauma by reviewing the database of 1472 relevant patients out of 19,198 cases over ten years to acquire a p-value of less than 0.05 (statistically significant).
  • Published in The Scientific World Journal on June 23, 2021, Volume 2021, Article ID 9947350

Twenty Point Quality Of Life Assessment In Facial Trauma Patients In Indian Population

Manipal College of Dental Sciences, MAHE, India
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  • Assessed the factors affecting the quality of life of patients post-surgery and narrowed down twenty most important factors having significant impact on the quality.
  • Performed an in-depth analysis on factors like fear, anxiety, environmental factors, etc. and the extent of impact on the quality of life.
  • Patented the Twenty Point Assessment under the Copyright Office, Government of India

Significance of BRAF Positivity in Prognosis of Odontogenic Tumors

Manipal College of Dental Sciences, MAHE, India

  • Investigated the role of BRAF gene mutation in recurring odontogenic tumors of the South Indian Population.
  • Processed multiple pathology (biopsy) slides in the laboratory and analyzed them to produce quantifiable data (obtained p-value of less than 0.05 which is statistically significant).

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